Originally Posted by NYCorchidman
Paph. Dollgoli has been on my wish list for a while now and this one looks quite similiar to it.
There are also pink version of it, forgot the name. I want both colors! 
There are two pink ones that are similar in shape, they are both Paph rothschildianum crosses, Paph Delrosi and Paph Gloria Naugle. My favorite though is a black and white version, Paph Crystelle and of course one can't forget the green version that is Paph Harold Koopowitz. Can you tell that I love roth crosses made with members of the brachy and parvisepalum group of Paphs?
Bud - I can't remember but I think the one I gave you may be the better of the two plants that I had, I guess we will see, if and when you bloom it.