My Spicerianum is going to bloom I just noticed the bud, down deep in the leaves, almost to the day I noticed it last year I also noticed by the previous posts, it took three months for it to open the flower
Boy these orchid teach patience
Will update with pics, when there is a bit more to see
Sorry I did'nt get these posted sooner, I just took these pics today, the others not being so good
Here is the flower, smaller than last years, .. but still Sweet
Thanks for looking......oh, Just remembered an important question I had, The three fans have not grown any new ones, I was wondering if I should give it new media after she finishes flowering?
Repot every 12 to 18 months. The best time to repot is when the orchid begins to grow new shoots and roots; repot the plant when it outgrows its pot, crowding new growth. Also if the media has deteriorated or crumbled into decay: the plant needs to be repotted.