Orchid Growing Supplies Semi-hydroponics Hydroponics Orchid Books PrimeAgra of OB fame always has some nice paphs. cant go wrong buying a good paph from ray. Nice healthy plants.
Kalapana Tropicals Orchids - Hawaiian Live Orchids
always has top notch plants. most are mature in low spike or bud to get ya bloom on real fast.
Welcome to Orchids By Hausermann On-Line Orchid catalog.
Great healthy plants and a wide variety all year round. The special Fox Valley section are some very fine plants.
4. Try to visit some local shows. The vendors at shows have awesome paphs. And many times you can buy an award winner right off the table

5. Limit where you buy them from. Find a place that you like their plants, know they are safe, bug free and healthy, stick with them. We all do it, but when you start buying plants from 15 different places, if you have a problem that devolops, might be hard to trace it to a plant. Keep your sources limited and that limits your problems integrating them into your orchid population

Lots of vendors have lots of very nice plants. Money is the only thing that keeps me from most of them very nice plants