Originally Posted by Gilda
When is Naples Orchid Society show ? We visit Bonita Beach in January and would love to see an orchid show.
The Naples show is usually in early to mid March each year, but will be the last weekend in March in 09 (27th thru 29th)...the committee didn't want to conflict with another show in the region this year, so the usual timing was changed.

We'll be deciding on the show theme tomorrow night at the committee meeting; something I am looking forward to as I will be doing a table top exhibit and want to have as much time as possible to plan for it.
If you are still in the area when the show is on, I hope you can make it. In the meantime, if you'd be interested in stopping by to see my collection when you're in the area just send me a PM; I'm always happy to share my space with fellow enthusiasts.