yes they take some time from when you can see the little nubbin down in the leaf crease..Just make sure the little bud doesn't feel squishy. Should feel firm and solid. If its soft might want to take a closer look. About 10 weeks it should start to spike up some about 14 or 15 weeks it should bloom
I say all told 3 to 4 months..forever
Putting the plant in bright indirect light and keeping it warm and maybe a little more watering should move the bud right along up the column
The Paphs I have in the past seem to use a lot of water when they making buds. I Make sure my plant doesn't get dried out at all or the bud will take the hit for that. All of the little details will determine the time of actual flowering...
and thank you or peeking
they are beautiful little paphs but I dont detect any fragrance yet..I may have to sneek up on it at night..