Yellow/dying fan on Paph Fumi's Delight
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Yellow/dying fan on Paph Fumi's Delight
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Old 12-30-2010, 03:41 AM
tcrane tcrane is offline
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Yellow/dying fan on Paph Fumi's Delight
Default Yellow/dying fan on Paph Fumi's Delight

I'm so sad about this!

Got my first Paph - Fumi's Delight x (micranthum x armenicum) at the raffle at the SF Orchid Society months ago, it was doing so well, but in the last few weeks the largest fan began to yellow and wither.

It's in bark + some moss to help it retain moisture, in my living room near a CF light, but not too bright. I mist it almost daily, water weekly, it's kept moist but not too wet. Repotted it a few months ago without a hitch, the roots were healthy at that time and it continued to grow. Any ideas? The other fans seem to be doing fine, both have grown a new leaf.

The only thing I can think of is a humidity problem? We've been using the house heater more, but the general level in the area where this plant is hovers still above 50% - 60%.

Should I cut the dying fan to save the others?
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Old 12-30-2010, 05:33 AM
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RJSquirrel RJSquirrel is offline
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The fan might have bloomed already and its only natural that it dies back, Some do remain for a time after blooming.

I think it should be cut as its no longer metabolizing any nutrients. In fact, almost looks as if you just tug on them they should peel right off and you can trim the stump up. Don't lop the fan out. Just remove the leaves.
As for the stump, sprinkle some cinnamon on it after the leaves have been removed. A small Dab of Elmers glue and cinnamon make a good antibacti-paste.

You will enjoy the Paphs as they are pretty tough little plants.The humidity you have and the not to bright light it loves. Always more Air. I even go breathe on mine some cus they need C02

Once a week water might not be enough if the media is drying out. I have about the same humidity at about 65 to 80 degrees and mine need water 3 times a week, with one weakly weekly fertilizer treatment. Whatever you use on the other orchids is fine for the paphs. Just not too much..All our homes are different (Doh!), but Don't let it dry out. Dry roots start to pick up salts and minerals and that burns them.

You should have some bloom in march/april maybe on that one. I'm thinking to borrow a line from Bill Asia "can flower if environmental conditions are favorable for the plant."

I learned all that here at OrchidBoard So I hope I help someone maybe?
O.C.D. "Orchid Collecting Dysfunction"

Last edited by RJSquirrel; 12-30-2010 at 06:01 AM..
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Old 01-02-2011, 05:35 PM
tcrane tcrane is offline
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Yellow/dying fan on Paph Fumi's Delight
Default Thanks RJ...

Much appreciate the response. I've removed the yellow/black leaves, and treated with cinnamon.. The other fans seem to be doing ok so far. This is my first Paph so any advice is much appreciated.

I doubt this was a natural die off after blooming, when I received the plant all three fans were pretty small - it didn't seem large enough to have bloomed, and the remaining two are the smallest ones, although they've grown a new leaf or two.

I may try watering slightly more frequently, and am considering a switch into semi-hydro as Ray seems to have great success with Paph's in this medium, seems like that'd solve some of the humidity issues.

I'm a lot like my plants, I love the usual 50-60% natural humidity we have, and can't stand using the heater - unfortunately it's been so cold lately we've had no choice.
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