I bought this Bulldog Paph in Feb 2009. It was in flower with a single flower at the time, but once the flower dropped it's just been leaves ever since... with 4 new fans slowly slowly maturing.
Then in August this year I noticed a thickening at the base of two of the fans, and by early September I was certain that buds were developing.
The fastest growing bud/spike turned out to be
two buds on one spike
... didn't know these could do that so was really plesently suprised at that.
Anyway the first flower has now opened. You can see the second bud sitting right beside it and somewhat pushing it sideways (I've had to adjust the position slightly so it wasn't completely pushing it sideways). There is then a third bud on a second spike at the back of the plant.
I actually took these pictures on Saturday and since then the second bud has started to open up. I will try and get more pics once both are open.