started out at a friends years ago as a seedling bout at the bot gardens....
grw nicely but he got impoatient after a few years ...I did most of the care when I happend to visit and he left it alone and it had 18 inch leaves and was close to blooming I think....He decided it needed to be moved and of all things set it in full sun.Needless to say it almost died,But I did get it back to growing and was once again nice size leaves ...he decided it needed moved again but this time in the shade but of all things set it in a bucket full of water so he would not have to water...again back to almost dead every root rotted and the three or four fans fell apart when I took it out of the pot...
well I placed it in hydrotron and s/h to attempt a recovery this time thinking ahhh a way he cant overwater.True enough he did not and I went by often to flush and give a few tips and directions on s/h.Did pretty good untill summer and true enough he cant over water but lol went this time to never water and all it got was rain....well it is not dead and it is not rotted but it only has two small roots ...but look at all the lfans this thing has made it is trying its hardest to grow.
I confiscated it and brought it home and I have a feeling it is going to be a monster and lol someday I will return it to him but I intend to see this one bloom so now it is in intensive care unit....
LOL I dont know about the owner though dont think I will ever teach him how to water seems to be one of the people that realy need plastic plants.
Last edited by johnblagg; 07-30-2010 at 09:35 PM..
the new growths seem happy enough and thats the main thing...only 2 roots?, that is 1 more than it needs ...all those little fans..
give it back? you can let them have visitation rights but thats about it....and that from the other side of the window and they can talk to it thru the glass
the new growths seem happy enough and thats the main thing...only 2 roots?, that is 1 more than it needs ...all those little fans..
give it back? you can let them have visitation rights but thats about it....and that from the other side of the window and they can talk to it thru the glass
John, you are either a very patient man, or that is a very good friend! If your friend were my patient, I would consider him "non-compliant."
LOL it is actually some of both ..he is a very good friend amd when it comes to plants I am very patient...but he is non-compliant for a fact ....tell him him ... prove it to him and lol he still does what you tell him not to.IN fact have been trying for over a year to get him to put this one back where it grew happly for several years and he refuses to do so...but lol it is not a problem now for quite a while now.He knows that once I confiscate one its a good thing in the end if he wants it to live.