Paph. Pinocchio (Paph. glaucophyllum x Paph. primulinum) is one of the more popular paph crosses due to its ever-blooming habit. Stems bloom for a long time and new stems arise to continue the process. They are vigorous plants and good for beginners. They will grow well on or near a windowsill or under artificial lights.
That being said, I must be a slow learner

This was one of the first non-phal orchids I received back in March 2008. It was in bloom and continued to bloom for a few months. I was able to get two new fans of growth into fall 2008, but the spike / buds did not develop as hoped for in spring 2009.
This year has been better. Again two new fans of growth and a good solid spike with developing buds. This is the first flower to open.
Two lessons learned: Paphs do not like old medium and need to be repotted at least once a year, something I did not do in 2008. Second, do not let the medium dry out during summer growing season.
Would be greatful to hear from the experienced Paph growers what else we newbies should be doing to grow paphs well.