I was checking out the roots on my paphs. I'm glad all my roots are healthy...I think I check my roots too often on my slippers even though they're always healthy and getting longer lol
I found some egg-like things in the media of one of my paphs maudiae types. First thought was insect eggs
but there are way too many of them.
They are probably the fruiting bodies of whatever type of fungi it is. (sorry I'm not a mycologist, i might find out what type of fungi it is in my botany text book) Looks like the a fungi that is growing both in the media and on the paph roots...I dont know where it came from since I haven't been using humus and they aren't on my other paphs. Maybe it has already spread to the other maudiaes around it which I haven't unpotted.
I'm not sure if this is a beneficial fungi or a mycorrhizal fungi. Or if it's just a pest to have around