The Michigan Orchid Society has their annual Palm Sunday show. I was able to attend and work for one of the vendors... I also had some chids follow me home; not that I had any room for them but we all know how that works!!!! Anyway, I have never been much for the "name game" with orchids, but I like to have some intellectual "edge" for myself as a FYI as well as not looking like a total idiot when conversing with vendors or others "in the know." So I need some help understanding the labels on some of these orchids...... The first, Paph Norito Hasegawa x sib ("Wesley' x 'Vista Del Monte' AM/AOS) and the other, Paph. Hatsue Otsuka 'Gold Spirits' AM/AOS x rothschildianum 'Baby Milais'.
OK so the "AM/AOS is a no brainer! And the 1st portion of each is the name of one of the parents in the cross, which came from the cross of other parents. Now, for the portion, "sib ('Wesley' ******), help me understand what this means. For the 2nd,"rothschildianum" is a species and the 'Baby Milais' is a clonal variation of the species????
Wow, now I do have a headache... where's my coffee!!!!!!