I know this sounds ridiculously stupid, but I just got in my first paph and I just want to make sure it's okay.
It's a very small vini seedling, about 3 inches tall. it has a grand total of 6 leaves, and it looks green and healthy. But the leaves are pretty pliable. I know other chids (like catts) have fairly firm leaves, but are paph leaves thinner and less succulent?
Paph leaves are quite variant with some quite firm and others soft. Many of the Maudiae types with mottled leaves have thinner leaves than others like the ones from the parvisepalum family. Yours seems to be fine as it's a vini-Maudiae type which is expected to have thinner more flexible leaves.
Thank you so much! I figured that everything was fine because (1) it is a seedling and only 2 1/2" tall and (2) it looks very healthy and doesn't look wilted.
That is interesting, though; I wonder why some leaves are thicker? perhaps an adaptation over time?