I like this cross. I have one also that flowered last year and this particular cross has nice shape for having Paph. helenae as one of the parents. PadMadman is right it is spelled with two l's. Here is a picture of my plant.
Paph. ((Jollix x Lovely Land) 'Showtime' x helenae 'In-Charm')
Wow your is gorgeous too!
Is yours blooming now?
All my Maudie paphs are either in bloom or getting ready to bloom but this guy is my only paph that is still developing it's new growth
Wow your is gorgeous too!
Is yours blooming now?
All my Maudie paphs are either in bloom or getting ready to bloom but this guy is my only paph that is still developing it's new growth
I have a question for you actually.
You probably notice how short/small the leaves are in the photos I posted. When I first got it, it only had one growth, now it's pushing up a second. Do you notice that on yours the leaves stay relatively compact and small?
I've seen other paphs like this one but the leaves were WAY longer. Mine are probably about 6-8 inches long whereas I have seen some with leaves around 16-24 inches long