Hi, I have two paphs, one has the label paphiopedilum ansum but I don't know what the other is.
They both look very sick. They produce new growth but as the leaves get bigger they turn brown and die.
I have no idea how to treat these orchids so I'd very much appreciate it if anyone would tell me what paphs like in the way of growing medium, light, watering, fertilizing. The one without a name is very small now with just two new growths. I'd like to try to save them if anyone can help me.
BTW I'm in Western Australia and all my orchids are outside.
The picture of a sick plant would help to determine the problem... At what size approx. do leaves get brown? One of the possibilities is that during watering the water might have gotten into the growing point and caused it to rot.
Marion, look at this culture sheet, it should answer questions for you on general care. I have a few myself and they are pretty routine with blooming. When new growth appears the old "adult" leaves die back. I have 6 or so and only one has lost the adult plant but the others are healthy w/adult and baby leaves. If your unsure of the leaves dying due to it being an adult plant (only with new growth) suggestively I would take a look at the roots and see if they are healthy. They do not like to dry out between waterings. If you can provide a it would be much easier to see what is going on.
I would unpot the plant and check out is root system. I think our problem is the root system of the plants are decayed.
The second plant looks to me like it is in a decayed mix that is too compact, and it was overwatered. With this type of mix air cannot get to their roots. I know paphs are labelled as terrestrials which can be misleading, but many of them are not. their roots defininetely need air, even those that do grow on the ground stay in leaf litter.
Thanks everyone, I took them out cut off all the dead leaves and soggy roots. I repotted them in new pots with fresh orchid medium. I have them on my kitchen windowsill so that I can hand water them. I hope they survive!