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Old 08-04-2009, 02:34 PM
murphy48 murphy48 is offline

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Help, I reserved a flask... Female
Default Help, I reserved a flask...

I gave in and ordered a flask from Troy Meyers and now need some advice. I reserved a flask of Paph. villosum var. boxallii I have until about January to figure out what I'm going to do with these little flasklings.

Can anyone with experience with paph flasks give me some advice? I've been reading and there seems to be some mixed feelings on compoting. Should I compot? Should I use sphag or a bark mix? What type of bark mix is best for little bitty plants?

Experienced people please help me prepare!

Thanks in advance
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Old 08-05-2009, 02:30 AM
ryfrazier ryfrazier is offline

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Help, I reserved a flask... Male

Well, I'm a newbie to compotting as well, but it just so happens that a friend and I potted up a flask of Paph. callosum not two weeks back. We used 3.5" square pots. Used the method shown on Troy's Page right here:

Used the jig idea he shows.

Filled the bottom 2" or so with packing peanuts - this was sort of difficult as we had to build them up like a wall as we went. However, realistically it's only a small bit of effort.

We averaged about 10 seedlings per pot, plus one pot with tiny corms closer together. Here's a few pictures of our efforts. So far my Paphs seem very, very happy. Nothing died so far, and they look stronger than when they arrived already. Don't think they shocked too much.

Remember they like it pretty humid (but not too humid) & warm (but not too warm) So far I've been misting them (trying to avoid as much of the actual plant as possible, getting the medium) to the point where the sphag is about as wet as it'd be if you'd wrung it out with your hands, and this seems to keep them in high spirits.

Some people make a contraption out of a coathanger & a plastic bag, a sort of seedling tent. If you decide to do this, make sure you leave a good opening in it. Aeration is obviously very important.

Another popular method is to get some clamshell containers, the sort you'd see at a deli or take-out place. Put some holes in the top & the bottom of the container, and compot into them. Generally a shallow bed of medium's better than a deeper one, from what I've read & learned thus far.

One problem you may find is rinsing the agar from their roots. We did our best to remove it in warm water, but it was a pain. Separating the seedlings from one another can be trying (expect to spend an hour or two, perhaps more, prying them from one another). Be very gentle.

Anyway, be confident when you get your flask & good things will happen. Fortunately you have until January to worry about them. Keep reading & if you'd like, I'll keep you updated on my work.

Any other questions & concerns, I'd be more than happy to help you with my beginner's knowledge.


The Paph. callosum compots in question:

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advice, bark, flask, paph, reserved

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