I've been wanting a Paph for a while and I was thinking of getting a Maudiae hybrid. But while looking at the NOID phals in our local garden center, this NOID Paph just jumped into my arms
Well actually my husband, knowing I wanted a slipper, pointed out that they had some (they don't usually have anything but Phals)

to me (well actually it's next month, but this is an early present).
I just loved this one. Since getting home I have looked on the website of the grower and they say they grow Paphiopedilum American Hybrids, and other sites refer to Paph American Hybrids (and they look very similar). So is American a species and this is a hybrid of it?
Actually the first thing I did when I got home was to give it a drink - it was very dry, then take some

then look up what it might be.
Anyway I love it, but it is my first Paph, I'm used to Phals. So do I treat it about the same as them (watering once a week, fertelising weakly weekly with a montly flush through with clean water), or do I need to do something different.