Originally Posted by Amanvari
I purchased a healthy P. Cesar Delgado 'Zellwood' x Macabre 'Jim Krull' about a month ago which was spiking with a lushious looking bud. It has looked like it was about to open for the last week; so imagine my horror when it fell off the spike yesterday. What could have caused this?
While I don't have this particular Paph, I do know that sometimes advanced buds of Paphs will blast when shocked by moving from one environment to another. Only seems to happen at a certain stage. When buds are really small or when fully open, doesn't happen as often. You may not get anything from the end of the spike. If the spike starts yellowing, just cut it back - you are done for this fan. Above all, opt for the health of the plant. Don't know much about your growing conditions, but in my windowbox environment I have 2 Paphs that get watered every 3-4 days because they are so large and pots are large. Most of the small Paphs and seedlings get watered every other day. Let the condition of the mix be the judge. I like to use clear pots for this reason - I can check on moisture levels down deep in pot. Hope this helps.