oh yeah, Shannan... they are really little cuties... all paph. helenae hybrids I know so far are just stunning... maybe not the best flower shape to win an FCC, but they are very very charming

I wish I could get all of them... and Paph. helenae itself

(and the sapce for all of them too

Paph. helenae primary Hybrids
x armeniacum: Wössner Minigold
x niveum: Mariechen
x barbigerum: Wössner Zwerg
x charlesworthii: Wössner Helene
x henryanum: Wössner Ministar
x sukhakulii: Wössner Goldsuk
x glaucophyllum: Pascal Sauvêtre
x primulinum: Wössner Mini Goldi
x hirsutissimum: Herrmannii
x sangii: Petit Chanson
x tranlienianum: Vinci
x insigne: Madame Suzanne Déloy