Originally Posted by Cattleya17
Is Sedenii one of the huge ones??? i really like it but if its too large i cannot have it. tell me more about its culture and size More importantly. You guys are so great!!! you are all giving such incredible info! you all rock! and i appreciate what you are doing!
I guess you could say that Sedenii is medium-sized. Not really all that compact, but not really big either. It will form a large clump, which can be divided. Good clones will produce branching flower spikes and flower for extended periods of time - often almost perpetually in a very mature plant. It is an easy plant to grow that appreciates moderate light and constant moisture - place the pot in a saucer of water. It also much prefers pure water to tap water. Fertilizer should be light and frequent, and rookwool, a fine to medium grade bark mix, or other mixes (there are many) can be used that drain well but also retain moisture (I know this sounds contradictory but it's true). Pot sizes will be 5-6" depending on the size of the clump.