Usually blooming happens seasonally. You are going to have to be patient and it may be more over a year until it blooms again.
I know you said you won't buy another one, but I suggest that you reconsider and get a different genus. With two or three different varieties that bloom at different times of the year, you can enjoy flowers while others go through their different growth cycles or dormant phases.
I know about seasonally bloom, but I didn't see anything new in the pot...I don't even know if it still grows...
Schame on me, I don't take pictures of it as often as orchids that bloom, that way will I perhaps see its grow
What conditions are you growing it in? Multi-floral paphs need higher light and warmer temperature than "other" paphs. Even if you have a new growth, it might take over 2 years for it mature and flower.
As desireable as multifloral Paphs are, they will NOT bloom annually until they have many growths. If you want annual blooms in Paphs try the Maudiae types or the insigne type hybrids. Just as bad are the parvisepalums and brachypetalums.....
really depends on what this paph was, if its a multifloral you might go three or more years til it blooms again. As phantasm suggested look for maudiaes and insigne hybrids as they often produce annual blooms if taken care of. Also look for hybrids with primulinum in their background, these are sequential so they wont be as long lasting as some paphs but they will flower for many months off the same spike, even years if there happy.
Growing orchids is all about patience and time. Many plants are reluctant growers and/or bloomers and need to accumulate several growths or good size before they really perform well.