? on Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying' x SIB (Paph. Sukersuk 'Eureka' flowering
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? on Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying' x SIB (Paph. Sukersuk 'Eureka' flowering
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Old 09-01-2008, 05:05 PM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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Originally Posted by JennS View Post
I don't konw if the 'that some weird name' comment was directed at me or not, but I could not find anything that I said about a weird name? I am confused though about the parenthesis. If you notice, near the end of the name, there is a beginning parenthesis (SP?) and no ending one. I figured it was a misprint, but everyone else seems to have a similar problem. I noticed that AddictedCountryman typed theirs the same way too. Any commenting on this?

Also, what is the correct name for this? Can i leave off the (Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka' and still be caling it the correct name? Or is that necessary? So many questions...

Thanks to everyone for all their replies!
The 'some weird name' was referencing how some plants with the same name can have a cultivar name. I couldn't think of a cultivar name at the time hence the some weird name. Paph. Supersuk is the registered name of the above plant. The cultivar name is 'Eureka'.

Paph. Raisin Pie = Paph. sukhakulii x Paph. Clarissa
Paph. Clarissa = Paph. Maudiae x Paph. Almum
Paph. Maudiae = Paph. collosum x Paph. lawrenceanum
Paph. Almum = Paph. barbatum x Paph. lawrenceanum

I'm not sure if your tag is correct. If your Paph. Raisin Pie was a sib cross it wouldn't have the Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka' on it. It's possible it's a Paph. Raisin Pie x Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka', and the sib part of the tag is a mistake. If it is then the registered name for you plant is Paph. Hsinying Alien.

Clear as mud right?
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Old 09-01-2008, 07:42 PM
unhappykat unhappykat is offline
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Originally Posted by quiltergal View Post
The 'some weird name' was referencing how some plants with the same name can have a cultivar name. I couldn't think of a cultivar name at the time hence the some weird name. Paph. Supersuk is the registered name of the above plant. The cultivar name is 'Eureka'.

Paph. Raisin Pie = Paph. sukhakulii x Paph. Clarissa
Paph. Clarissa = Paph. Maudiae x Paph. Almum
Paph. Maudiae = Paph. collosum x Paph. lawrenceanum
Paph. Almum = Paph. barbatum x Paph. lawrenceanum

I'm not sure if your tag is correct. If your Paph. Raisin Pie was a sib cross it wouldn't have the Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka' on it. It's possible it's a Paph. Raisin Pie x Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka', and the sib part of the tag is a mistake. If it is then the registered name for you plant is Paph. Hsinying Alien.

Clear as mud right?
The tag I have reads
(Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka' AM/AOS X Paph. Rasin Pie 'Hsinying') X Sib

This would make the cross
Paph. Hsinying Alien X SIB
Which would be almost near a selfing except using another plant from the same cross, IE Paph Hsinying Alien 'A' x paph Hsinying Alien 'B', Both parents are Hsinying Alien but they are different cultivars.

Blows my mind but I think thats right.

This kind of makes sense when you think of the variations found with each plant, different amounts of red to purple to green and white. mine looks like someone glued pieces of a red and alba maudiae toghether while others are more flowing in their color patterns.
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Old 09-03-2008, 11:33 PM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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That makes lots more sense when it's written in that order. You are most likely correct that it is Paph. Hsinying Alien x sib. Could be the plants were sold with just the cross on the tag before Hsinying Alien became the registered name.
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Old 09-04-2008, 02:49 AM
unhappykat unhappykat is offline
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Originally Posted by quiltergal View Post
That makes lots more sense when it's written in that order. You are most likely correct that it is Paph. Hsinying Alien x sib. Could be the plants were sold with just the cross on the tag before Hsinying Alien became the registered name.
Most likely. Or maybe the growers were just too lazy to change all the tags, happens sometimes. I thought big growers would keep stock up to date but I have recieved material from them that lists certain hybrids by cross instead of the name of it IE Paph. Kolopakingii X Sanderianum is called Kolosand but I have seen many plants with just a cross name because the growers dont want to change the tags.
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Old 11-17-2008, 08:24 PM
Dollgoldii Dollgoldii is offline
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? on Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying' x SIB (Paph. Sukersuk 'Eureka' flowering Male
Wink Paph. Hsinying Alien

Paph Hsinying Alien was registered in January 2004 by Ching Hua Orchids. Their crosses usually carry the word 'Hsinying' which is where they are located in Taiwan. One of the parents with the plant in question is Paph Raisin Pie 'Hsinying'. The reason that caused the dispute could be a 'oversight' by the 'wholesaler' when preparing the tags. I do not believe, thought I do not know for a fact, that Ching Hua Orchids would provide tons of tags for commercial buyers that buy in bulk. Mine was from Trader Joe and there is an abbreviation 'NNPV' on the tag. What I think had happened was they first made a label that said

(Paph. Supersuk 'Eureks' AM/AOS x
Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying') x Sib

Later, when they realized that it was wrong, they employed the latest data processing technology of 'cut and paste' and the label said

Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying') x Sib
(Paph. Supersuk 'Eureks' AM/AOS x

Hence the mistake. So, I believe that a lot of us have already figured out that the correct cross should have been

(Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying' x
Paph. Supersuk 'Eureks' AM/AOS) x Sib

Which is Paph. Hsinying Alien

Regarding two flowers per spike, it is very rare but not uncommon. I have the privilege to have one in bloom right now. This is a Paph (Hsinying Gevaert x fairrieanum album 'Jac' AM/JOS). I already contacted Ching Hua Orchids and they confirmed that this is one of their crosses and they will register with RHS.
A little history of this paph. I bought this in October 2005 at Safeway. Two spikes with single flower each. Bloomed again in November 2006. One out of the two spikes survived and there was one flower. Nothing happened in 2007 (like most of my other orchids due to my mishandling in the hot summer). In August 2008, one spike came out but did not make it to flower. The bud looked weird to me then. In Sept of 2008, two spikes came out and the buds looked weird.
Now that the truth has come out. I cannot be happier!
Attached Thumbnails
? on Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying' x SIB (Paph. Sukersuk 'Eureka' flowering-paph-hsinying-gevaert-fairrieanum-album-jac-am-jos-051116-01-jpg   ? on Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying' x SIB (Paph. Sukersuk 'Eureka' flowering-paph-hsinying-gevaert-fairrieanum-album-jac-am-jos-061105-01-jpg   ? on Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying' x SIB (Paph. Sukersuk 'Eureka' flowering-paph-hsinying-gevaert-fairrieanum-album-jac-am-jos-081116-01-jpg   ? on Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying' x SIB (Paph. Sukersuk 'Eureka' flowering-paph-hsinying-gevaert-fairrieanum-album-jac-am-jos-081116-02-jpg  
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bloom, bud, buds, paph, split, sukersuk, eureka, flowering, sib, hsinying, raisin, pie

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