Ross, thanks for the staking tip. I have a butterfly clip already waiting patiently for the perfect moment to flutter over and clip!
Originally Posted by quiltergal
Jenn they generally start out droopy but straight up as the spike develops. Be reallly careful when staking, as some Paph spikes are pretty rigid and you can snap it right off. I'd recommend waiting until mid-day when it's good and warmed up to stake it.
The 'some weird name' is what's called a cultivar name. You might have the same cross but in seed grown plants flower appearance can be wildly different even among siblings. The cultivar name is a way to keep track of those differences.
Quiltergal, thanks for the words of advice on the staking. As I have never had a Paph bloom yet, and I am a little overzealous with my 'chids, I could have very well snapped it right off!
So, thank you, thank you, thank you!
I don't konw if the 'that some weird name' comment was directed at me or not, but I could not find anything that I said about a weird name?
I am confused though about the parenthesis. If you notice, near the end of the name, there is a beginning parenthesis (SP?) and no ending one. I figured it was a misprint, but everyone else seems to have a similar problem. I noticed that AddictedCountryman typed theirs the same way too. Any commenting on this?
Also, what is the correct name for this? Can i leave off the (Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka' and still be caling it the correct name? Or is that necessary? So many questions...
Thanks to everyone for all their replies!