I guess you could say my secret is that I don't treat them like Paph's !
My Orchid Room, it sunny and hot most of the year, and sometimes colder than it should be in the winter.
I make very few concessions for specific species, as I don't have the time or energy for much variance...
I try to keep them at the paphs closer to the ground, but they still get about 50% light and in the summer the temp is close to 90 degrees...I usually water most of the orchid daily, but try and only water the paph's every other day, unless they really dry out. Since they are in plastic pots and are sitting on wooden shelves, I usually gauge if they need water by seeing if there is still a wet spot on the wood under the pots.
I really don't remember what the specs say for Paph's, as I got frustrated with them last year, as only a few of them bloomed for me and I figured they could sink or swim...
Thankfully this year they all decided to be swimmers!