First Paph and Care - rothschildianum 'Walla Walla' x Paph. Betty Glenn 'Big Mama'
This is my first Paph and my first terrestrial so I have no idea how it's going to do. I bought it at the Spokane Orchid Society's auction last month. I'm just wondering if my current setup appears to be alright, and how quickly I should expect it to pick up.
The plant: The media it was in when I got it was very old and smelled horrible, so I repotted it into a seedling mix that I had on hand (the RepotMe seedling mix). The roots weren't great and it only had a couple viable ones. There is a small new growth and another tiny nubbin at the base of the plant that could be another new growth.
Current Care: I am keeping it in the back corner on the bottom shelf of my orchid cabinet to keep it shaded. The lights are on 12 hours/day. Humidity swings between 55-65% depending on when I last watered and topped off the tray on the floor. My apartment is set to 21C/70F, and the cabinet will get day temps up to 24C/75F and night temps of 18C/65F.
Does this environment seem sufficient? I know paphs can be slow growers, so how long should I wait to see some sort of growth/movement before making a change?
Last edited by Stevie_White; 11-23-2023 at 10:36 AM..