In any cross, any combination of characteristics is possible. Think of children in a family. The cross of Paph Maudiae with Paph mastersianum is fairly conventional. They look somewhat similar, But Paph farrianum is really different from the Paph Maudiae parent, so the genetics are a real crap shoot. Yours looks very much like the farrianum parent. Now, what might show up of the Maudiae in subsequent generations could be more intermediate. Fred Clarke was really pushing the envelope. That's why he is so good at what he does. He'll see what he gets - and other plants from the same capsule may be very different, and pick what is promising to breed on with. The cultivars that are used as stud plants are top-of-the-line examples of their hybrid or species - he breeds with pedigreed plants, not mutts!
Last edited by Roberta; 12-09-2021 at 03:01 PM..