Paphiopedilum micranthum fma album (What’s the deal?)
Hey everyone. I have a question that may sound ignorant but here goes. P. micranthum is my all time favorite Paph. I have regular type and eburneum (my favorite). I would, as I know many would love, to have an album type. I understand that micranthum is very difficult to propagate from seed, but from my understanding album has been present in some collections for many years. Why is it still so rare? I know it’s form can be weaker and less uniform but is its survival rate lower?
Also, of course, if you have any leads for finding one for sale, please let me know. Yeah yeah, I know.
Also, just for the heck of it. I have posted one of my (imho) best P. micranthum eburneum that is currently blooming! Thanks!