I recently purchased this plant as it was offered for a especial price at my favorite nursery (it's still on its way to me). The plant is 1 year to blooming size, and they have it since just one month (no pictures available) I have tried to find it in internet, but without much success. I have not found Paph. adductum 'Black' either.
I could find that Paph. rothschildianum x adductum is actually called Paph. Johanna Burkhardt, but I have also found that most (if not all) of the Paph. adductum with 'Black XXXX' in the clon name are actually clons of the var. anitum, and therefore are also supposed to be a different species Paph. anitum.
Does anyone here know/have the hybrid mentioned in the tittle of this thread? or Paph. adductum 'Black'? any pics?