Huy guys!,
Can anyone out there give me culture information on paph. henryanum? I have had it several years and it only has 2 full leaves and part of another...I recently repotted it (seedling orchid bark and some peat) I am keeping it more moist with more sun (it gets south sun from a window that has a screen behind it) It just doesn't seem to be growing a whole lot...any suggestions would be appreciated!
Not sure Eddie, but I'm going to bump this back to the top because there are alot of Paph growers here and someone might be able to help. I have one Paph and I keep it moist and low to medium light. Mine should bloom in the fall. It's young and hasn't bloomed yet but shows much growth, so I'm hoping.
Thanks Dorothy and Kiki for your replies...I've been giving it more light and have been keeping it a bit more on the wet side...hopefully this will help!