Glaucophyllum-type paph with consistant split synsepal
I have a Paph. wallula glenn that has frequently produced split/double synsepals. It bloomed once when I first got it (about two years ago) and made nice flowers, but the inflorescence petered out after about 3 or 4 flowers (not too surpising considering it had been mmoved several times recently coming to the show and then my house. It sent up a new spike last spring and has been blooming on it ever since (now on its 8th flower, soon to be 9th). Most of these later flowers have had split synsepals. luckily the plant was very polite and produced big, perfect flowers for all of the shows (including #9 which hasn't opened yet but will be by the time the show rolls around). What might cause this? I have heard that it can be genetic but the fact that it has made several perfect flowers recently and had no mutants on the first spike make me wonder if it is a cultural error.