Yellowing leaves on Paph Hung Gentle Girl x Shin Yi Apple
I need advice! I am a novice when it comes to paphiopedilums, and this gal right here is my first one! I have had her for two months and when I got her one of her bottom leaves was a slight shade of yellow-green. A month later that leaf turned brown at the base and just simply fell off.
Just this past week another one of the bottom leaves has rapidly turned yellow and has started to go sadly limp.
I am so worried that there is something possibly going on with her roots, and I've been trying to hold back from unpotting her since many have told me to never repot them while in bloom. However, at this point I feel like I'm doing more harm than good by NOT unpotting and finding out what is going on.
Plus I am a little on edge that she is potted in full sphagnum moss. I have two other Paphs that are in fine grade bark mix with a bit of sphag and they are doing great.
Here is a picture of my beautiful girl, and please let me know what your thoughts are!!
Last edited by Bloom152; 05-30-2019 at 02:24 PM..