Can someone explain phrag light conditions
At our local society show and sale I ended up with several new phrags.
Phragmipedium Grande (longifolium x caudatum)
Phragmipedium lindenii
Phragmipedium humboltii
When looking up growing conditions for them they mostly suggest lower light levels. But then the growing environment is described as ", fully exposed, grassy slopes, cliff faces, or humus soil..." or "...on roadside banks..."
I don't know about you, but all the fully exposed grassy slopes, cliff face, or roadside banks I've seen are pretty high light areas. And when I google "Phragmipedium xxx in situ" the results generally look pretty open and exposed.
So how much light do they really want?
I grow in the house with hight, floor to ceiling windows facing west. There is a balcony above me so that shades the direct sun for part of the afternoon. But there is a lot of reflected/ambient light all day and direct for a couple of hours in the afternoon.
I've got a Phrag. Sargent Eric (which has sargentianum, besseae, and longifolium in its background) and Phrag. Penn Creek Cascade (not sure on that). They have been growing and Sargent Eric has rebloomed -- so I think the conditions are pretty good.
Does it seem like these new ones would be more or less the same as the two I had?