Outeniqua orchids (formerly Stellenkloof orgidee) owened by Else Hall
Phrag. andreettae R2500 - on my list
Phrag. besseae R450 - on my list
Phrag. Cardinale R820
Phrag. caudatum giganteum R650
Phrag. czerwiakowianum R365
Phrag. dallessandroi R1450
Phrag. fischerii R1450 - on my list
Phrag. hirtzii R365
Phrag. Scarlett O'Hara R950
Phrag. kovachii R2250 - on my list
Phrag. lindenii R365 - on my list
Phrag. longifolium R275
Phrag. pearcei R275
Phrag. Petit Anguette 250
Phrag. reticulatum R275
Phrag. wallisii R400
Afriorchids co-owened by Lourens and Christo Grobler
Phrag. Calurum R150
Phrag. Cleola R150
Phrag. Grande R150
Phrag. Schroderae R150 - on my list
Phrag. Sorcerer's Apprentice R150 - on my list
Phrag. pearcei R150 - on my list
Phrag. longifolium R150 - on my list
Phrag. Sedenii R100
Seems that Afriorchids and Plantae orchids are the only people in Africa which grows Mexipedium, sadly none for sale, yet. Lourens also has a lot of rare paphs and phrags he grows in his private collection. Check out his gallery on what he grows-they are mostly his some are from shows or the wild.
His plants start at Unidentified Asian and end at Ansellia.
Now that I have put this list together I see there are a lot of good sized plants
Sorry for complaining on having to import in the post Phrag. Olaf gruss by No-Pro-Mwa