You won't believe it but I have found myself in the incredible position of being able to acquire a mythical Ghost Orchid Dendrophylax lindenii also known as Polyrrhiza lindenii.
Stumbled across a Ebay listing for a flask that had ended without a bid 24 hours earlier, and noticed the seller not only was incredibly located in Australia but also lived in the same city as me.
I have been in contact with the seller and I am able to meet up with them this weekend to collect the flask.
But my question is, would you say this plant was too difficult to grow for a first timer? This is an incredible opportunity and to find an orchid that is this rare in cultivation is almost like a dream.
I have read Keith Davis article about growing the ghost orchid so am well informed about it's care. What do you more experienced growers think? Should I purchase it and try to deflask it? It is very hard to source this orchid here in Australia.
Need adivce lol. What do you think I should do? Like the other supplier this one also does not actually grow the plant, only sells them in flask. Apparently the plant I am purchasing is still in the protocorm like stage but is said to be quite large and healthy and I was thinking perhaps if I found someone locally in Brisbane who did tissue culture I could get them to divide it for me and perhaps they could make it available for others to purchase.
Maybe this would be a good opportunity for me to get into selling Ghost Orchid as a small business? I could purchase all the appropriate materials to facilitate tissue culture I guess. What do you think?
---------- Post added at 08:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:54 AM ----------
I guess I'm a daydreamer, can't help it.
Here I have conditions much similar to Florida, and I have read most people fail because they don't water it enough, and when they do water it they water too much. I've also heard a lot of failures happen from incorrect light levels, either too much or too less. From reading about this orchid I think I have a good enough idea about it's needs.
But this isn't something you see for sale everyday and I have not been able to find this orchid anywhere else, even with the big tissue culture orchid businesses. The seller told me they are the only person in Australia to offer this plant for sale.
I'd be crazy to ignore this offer while I am also crazy accepting it.
It's hot and humid here, much like Florida, with the mild winters to match, so I am confident if I paid attention to it everyday that it would survive.
Plan on keeping the flask inside until it forms into a proper plant, on a bright window that doesn't get direct sunlight. Then once it is ready to be deflasked I will grow it outside in a miniature shade house in shade at first and then move it to somewhere that gets morning sunlight, although will keep it in the shadehouse and minitor it everyday and water by
misting a small amount once or twice a day. I will grow it on Spanish Moss out of the flask until it is lare enough to be mounted onto a piece of wood.
I've been reading about tissue culture and have abandoned any ideas about trying to divide it and do this myself. Too expensive and time consuming. I will just leave the flask develop into a strong and healthy plant and hope I can keep it alive.
Getting exicted about collecting it and will post an update once I have it.

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