Found this great retailer in the UK.
Among his inventory are Cyps. If you do not know the conversion on pounds to dollars presume roughly $2 per pound-it is probably around $1.80??). Prices may be steep by our standards but not unusual for Europe.
There are three pages with lots of hybrids which really surprised me. They have many others that are not listed. Guess not enough to market at this time.
Click here>
I a cyp newbie too. I just bought Cyp. parviflorum var. parviflorum and Cyp. reginae on eBay (canadian guy, lab grown) and I will be planting them soon. They look like healthy plants to me after comparing to other ones. So excited!
I a cyp newbie too. I just bought Cyp. parviflorum var. parviflorum and Cyp. reginae on eBay (canadian guy, lab grown) and I will be planting them soon. They look like healthy plants to me after comparing to other ones. So excited!
Do you know who/where the Canadian lab might be? I'm wondering because we're thinking of doing the same thing. There are a comple sources here in Ont., but I have never dealt with them and I'm not terribly fearless when it comes to mail ordering Cyp., having been disappointed once.
Thanks T-man, you're the best. That is one of the suppliers I was thinking of, they are in Quebec. There is Green Canyon Lab, who does the Phrag. kovachii flasks, and I was curious as to whether they did Cyr. flasks too.
There is also Ya li's hardy orchids, here is a link: Ya li's hardy orchids
I don't know anything about them????...