I began growing Cyp. californicum seedlings I got from Spangle Creek Labs in May, 2010. What I used was a home blend of:
Potted up 5 seedlings into plastic fern pots that were bottom-filled
with aspen fiber. Used a foundation mix of old decomposing bark
mixed with Lyonothamnus floribundus asplenifolius (Catalina Ironwood) [any hardwood leaves will work]
and some Japanese Maple leaves.
To 2 scoops of the above I added 1 scoop of medium gravel that I
sieved out of the SM river sand I got last March.
For 2 seedlings(#1 & #2) I added 1 tablespoon of nitrohumus to the above
For 2 seedlings(#3 & #4) I added 1 tablespoon of Osmocote to the above
For 3 seedlings (#5, #6, & #7) I did not add any fertilizer at all.
All pots were top filled with a bark mix.
They were sat outside to get an hour or two of direct sun.
All are watered with R/O water ONLY.
I have set up an album in the Gallery of 6 pages that show my repotting this past March and their progress in growth up to March 19, 2012. Will take additional pics in Oct or Nov before they brown out as well as depotting images as root development is important.
BEST THING TO KEEP IN MIND IS ROOT AERATION! A soggy soil will kill the plants. My mix is a gravel based mix and requires daily monitoring and either heavy
misting or watering though I do let that go for a couple of days without any harm. Plants get 2 hours direct sun.
Cypripedium californicum - Orchid Board Galleries

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