Originally Posted by smartie2000
BTW how much light do brachy's need?
I thought it was light that is close to a maudiaes (maybe slightly more)....but this lady at my society says they need high light and I didn't want to interupt because it was her speach nor was I able to interupt because she wouldn't stop talking. I know Brachys don't need as much light as parvis.
Actually, Section
Brachypetalum species require higher light levels than Section
Parvisepalum. Section
Brachypetalum require very high light intensity, but not direct sun (unless it is
Paph. godefroyae). Also, Section
Brachypetalum species have more tuberous roots than other Sections, primarily because they grow in drier, sunnier areas. In order to bloom Section
Brachypetalum species well, they require a small dry period in December (
Paph. bellatulum requires a dry period in March)...