I just figured out that one of my NOIDs is more likely to be a Phrag than a Paph. I'm reading online that the light requirement vary so much as do the watering requirements. I have her in water culture so watering is not an issue but the light is. Is there any way to tell (other than leaf colour) if she is a high light or med light?
Ok thanks guys. She looks like she is doing well to me.... but i can help but wonder if she could be doing better. Just paranoid, I can't kill her before she blooms... I would be devastated.
I agree, it looks like a paph, not a phrag. Unlike phrags, paphs don't need as much water. Paphs grow in leaf litters or stone cliffs, I am not sure how well it will respond to water culture. The roots are very healthy though, so it likes the medium it was growing in before you make the change.
I really do think you have a higher chance of killing it in water culture than to leave it in its previous medium.