Jerry I will tell her , picking up a couple of Paphs. from her at the SWROGA show ..but don't hold your breath for another plant
Love the Phrags . might find another seedling that will have the long petals.
Thanks for the kind words is nice to be able to show the plants to the folks here no one around here know what they are ... gin
That's great Gin. I have not seen her for a number of years as I don't get around much these days. Tell her that all the Bulbos are doing fine. Also, I imagine you will also see Tom Larkin and perhaps Barbara at the show. If so, please say hi for me and tell them everything's OK out west!
Gin, that is a very beautiful and well grown plant! Couldn't ask for much better!!!
I know what you mean by local people not knowing what the orchids in your greenhouse are. I had a lady stop by this morning and she was astounded to learn they were 'all' orchids.
Are you going to the SWROGA show in Rodgers this weekend? If so, maybe I'll see you there. Don't know how we'd know each other though! LOL
Wow is right! Great photo Gin. I like the in-situ photos personally. Helps me relate. I haven't chosen to go the Phrag route for some of the reasons expressed here. I have had great success with Paphs and that (so far) satisfies my needs for slipper orchids. I don't have much space and the Paphs seem to work just fine. Nice plant and glad you posted the picture.