If your plant looks like the last photo, it is on its last legs. The only way to save this is to remove all the roots (rotten roots are easily found by squeezing them and finding them soft). Then cut the old leaves off at the top of the last BB, keeping the new growth. Then put in a quart Zip Lok bag with a handful of damp mix and seal the bag. Stand upright in a warm place in the house (no direct sun) and keep your fingers crossed. An advanced grower might be able to bring this back, but do not lose hope if it does not make it for you.
If you are serious in learning how to repot Cyms in the future, send a request to
goldcoastcymgrowers@gmail.com and they will send you the repotting instructions they use in their potting clinics. Several members of this Forum have found these instructions very helpful.
A few tips for the future:
1) Never over-pot a Cymbidium, even one in good health and never one with poor roots
2) Use a small to medium bark but keep in mind where you live.
3) Always remove rotten roots when repotting a division.
Good luck