I'm in very temperate and sunny CA. I've put them outside and was worried because it gets a bit "chilly" (albeit spring weather by east coast and midwest standards) in the early AM and late at night. I came across some literature saying cyms in general do alright year-round outdoors in CA, but then again, the leaves are awfully thin and reminiscent of my oncidiums and miltonias...So I wonder. They are ginormous though in comparison- if size matters when it comes to the great outdoors.
I've put them in a spot where they get shade for most of the day. Soon enough, I'll be in NYC and then I think the more gigantic of the cyms will need to stay back with family in CA.
I have about 50 plants, mostly mini catts, some medium sized catts, a handful of miltonias, numerous oncidiums, about 6 phals, 10 paphs (many seedlings but one large rothchildianum hydbrid), 1 myrm/schom, 1 den. I manage to hang them from all sorts of places (including a bathroom with skylight) to get them the light they need, but it will be a challenge in NYC due to smaller spaces, smaller windows, and overcast skies. I haven't even begun to think about how to ship. I suspect the phals and paphs will do better, but really worry about the light lovers!!
Last edited by bigroth; 11-10-2014 at 10:36 PM..