I am surprised you have success with canaliculatum and its hybrids in Ohio but you must have a dry greenhouse. Here is a list of canaliculatum hybrids which may help you:
Australian Midnight
Black Ruby
Bungy Jumper
Little Black Sambo
Wee Willy
Do you also have success with madidum or any of its hybrids? You mentioned Little Black Sambo and that is a cross of both these species. My biggest negative to hybrids from these species is the large size of the plants even though the flowers are relatively small.
As far as sources, Santa Barbara Orchid Estate in Santa Barbara, a well known and reliable nursery that ships, may carry some of the above crosses as well as some of the madidum hybrids, of which there are many.
With the success under your conditions you might also look into the suave hybrids as Kurunda. The plants tend to be smaller.