I imported this plant from china last year as a small 2 bulb division it grew a nice small bulb and now seems to be producing what looks to me like a spike. I thought floribundum had upright spikes this is growing out which gives me the impression of pendulus ?? and I thought it a bit small to produce spikes any views would be welcome , I included a british pound coin to give idea of size
Technically this is floribundum. At one time it was also called pumilum so the proper name should read floribundum (syn pumilum), not var for variety, if you want the full name.
There are floribundums coming from cool areas and from warm areas and can present their inflorescences differently. They also vary in color and form.
Technically this is floribundum. At one time it was also called pumilum so the proper name should read floribundum (syn pumilum), not var for variety, if you want the full name.
There are floribundums coming from cool areas and from warm areas and can present their inflorescences differently. They also vary in color and form.
Thank you for you info as it came from china I would think it would be cooler and i have grown over the winter with a minimum 10 deg C . So it could be intersting to see what the color and form are I will post a photo when/if it flowers
G'Day Stumac.
We have a lot of these here in Australia. As I understand it, the 2 names are interchangeable, but I would bow to someone with superior knowledge. I will see what I can find out if you don't have any other success. Maybe CymLadye could help out here.
Oh, by the way, all of mine have been pendulous.