Originally Posted by R.Audrey
Hello Sonya, Could I ask you what fertilizer you use for your orchids? Especially for your cyms. They look very beautiful and healthy!
Thank you!
I'm not super exacting with the fertilizer for my Cyms, but, this past year, I have used Nutricote 13-13-13
sustained release pellets (Dynamite brand "Flowers and vegetables" is the same), applied to top of media in spring (April, May, or after blooming), at about 1 teaspoon per gallon pot. Then also use water soluble, urea free orchid fertilizer (I use either Grow More 20-10-20, or Better Gro Orchid Plus 20-14-13) at about 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water every week/every other week,through Autumn. The Nutricote/Dynamite is a 6 month fertilizer - so, after the six months, in winter, I use 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water of the water soluble fertilizer once a week, or so. My Cyms are outside year-round, and winter being our (usually) rainy season, they often go longer periods without fertilizer in winter, with no issues. During non-rainy periods, when I am fertilizing regularly, they get the monthly potting media flush.
The two years prior to last, I had only been using the sustained release pellets, at a higher rate, but found the leaf tips seemed to burn shortly after the application, AND that a couple of my Cyms still weren't blooming as well as I thought they could, so that's why last year, I changed the regimen, and I've been quite happy with the results! I have one, that I've not posted yet - waiting for all buds to be open - that just went crazy with blooming this year (8 spikes, and over 200 buds!)
My other potted orchids get 1/2 tsp per gallon of water of the above mentioned water soluble fertilizers, per week, except for the one week a month the potting media is flushed. "Light" feeders, (Masdevallias, etc), get much less, and I'm still learning how much to give them!
I imagine you may not be able to get the same brands, but hopefully the descriptions help!
---------- Post added at 07:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:49 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Leafmite
What a treasure! Congratulations on the beautiful blooms! 
Thank you!