My Cym daynaum has five spikes showing my question is how long before they flower the largest is about one inch in length , they started to show at the same time my tracyanum and that is now in full bloom, its first flower opened just before christmas . So is it normal for dayanum to take along time or do I have a problem I keep them at 50f minimum
If your spikes are not growing longer than the one inch you saw before Christmas, I suspect they have aborted due to cold temps and will not bloom this year.
Hmm... I grow my dayanum in chilly night temps (less than 50 in fall and winter) and haven't lost spikes...
From my own experience, it seems these do want to get slightly dry before getting watered... (mine never bloomed until I started to let it get nearly dry before watering - unlike my hybrids which will take as much water as I or mother nature will give)
Fortunately, these look from the photos to be normal, healthy spikes and appear to still be growing. They would be browner if they had aborted. Be patient. I suspect they will speed up as the weather warms. This species usually blooms in the fall so yours may just have its seasons twitched a bit.