Originally Posted by GregorK
Thanks ordphien! I cant have it outside all year arround since the temps get very low in the winter (arround -20°C). Then i will move it inside in a cool space, and we can just hope for buds to form
What about the watering? How do you water them? do they like to stay moist all the time or dry out betwen the waterings?
I am also interested in how do you fertilise yours? do you stop in the winter or do you fertilise on a regular basis throughout the whole year? 
That certainly is too cold lol.
Since my cymbidiums are essentially garden plants I tend to treat them as such.
Mine get a lot of light. I would consider light to be most important when caring for them.
They like lots of light.
As far as watering. I water them on the same schedule as my patio plants. Every two or three days in summer. Everyday during the height of summer.
In fall and spring I back down to about once a week.
I water them with a hose. I aim it in the pot and stop when I see water flowing out the bottom.
In winter. I dont water. Our rainy season is winter so I never have to water anything. Except the stupid hanging baskets under the patio. I love them... but I feel silly watering them with a hose in the middle of a downpour...
I would imagine indoors would be much like fall. Around once a week.
I'm not sure if they dry out. I'd imagine some weeks they never dry out and others they really do.
My potting medium is coarse bark. My neighbor pots hers in garden sol and my mom uses house plant soil. My friend uses a terrestrial potting mix. They don't seem to care much. I will note I prefer bark though.
I use osmocote. When I see the start of new growth I throw in a handful of osmocote. It's a slow release fertiliser that uses water yadda yadda. It's very low maintenance.
I throw a handful in every month and a half to two and a half months.
I do stop throwing it in in winter. Actually I'll apply it maybe twice throughout fall and winter at half a handful. They aren't growing during that time anyhow.
I'm sorry if my answers are so vague. They are extremely unfussy low care plants for me that tolerate pretty much anything.
I think I actually put the least amount of effort into them out of every single plant I own.
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