Originally Posted by kindrag23
Update: Well my Cym is beginning to wilt and degrade, I put it in the spag and bagged it. My seaweed extract should finally get here today. Heres hoping.
If this were my plant, and there were no roots on the old bulb, I would remove all the leaves from it but leave the new growth attached. You are getting the "wilt and degrade" because you have no roots on the large bulb so there is no strength to support leaves.
Given your hot dry conditions, putting it in a zip lok bag which will hold it (probably diagonally) with either dampened regular mix or spag (as apparently you have done) , sealing it and placing it in bright but no direct sun environment, should entice it to grow roots. The pseudo-bulb, which is now a Back Bulb without roots, will act as a "feeder bulb" to support the new growth until it can support itself with its own roots.
I have never given seaweed extract the praise others have and believe if you have the correctly balanced fertilizer with micro-nutrients for the plants you grow, it is not necessary. Do not count on it as a "cure all" in any case. And since you have virtually no roots to absorb any nutrients, you may just have to rely on what strength the BB still has to help the new growth along. Just watch out for rot.