So I got this plant on Monday. It's huge! Ummmm. Really huge. Anyway, as soon as I wrestled it out of the box (with some minor injuries) I noticed that the previous owner had done somewhat of a questionable potting job: the plant was potted in a huge bulb pot using coconut husk fiber and then the rest of the humongous root ball was in a wire basket with coconut husk fiber.
I tried to work it out of the wire basket but no go. So, I took it outside to see just whether the root ball would drain well (in light of the fact that it had basically covered the wire basket. I figured, if it drained well, I would just plop the entire thing into a clay pot with rocks.
UGH....NO GO. After I muscled it to my yard, I soaked and soaked with a hose and basically the root ball was a huge sopping sponge. It was barely releasing the water. Big problem in Miami--since I have killed anything that I have ever grown in CHC. So what to do? I cut off the bulb pot. The thing was rootbound and I could tell even that part was potted in CHC.
So, I put it back inside, and let it sit. I wanted to see how long it took for it to get dry. Today is Thursday and the root ball was still wet. This was NOT good news.
So, I decided that my original plan of just putting the root ball encased in the wire basket inside a clay pot with rocks was not going to work. I went to HD, and bought 1) a bolt cutter 2) a saw and 3) a big clay pot.
I came home, cut the wire basket from the root ball (tore my jeans), and sawed about 1/2 of the root ball (which was still wet). I don't think I can work out the CHC because the roots have basically consumed it, so I'm going to let it go like that. I didn't touch any of the roots that make up the "basket".
I'm going to spray it with cinnamon spray and pot it up on Saturday. I've been reading online, and the people who own a speciosum pot it using rocks. They also throw clumps of manure and/or compost, which I'm also going to do.
This has been harder than I thought