its a noid but only cost me 20 bucks.has 3 new bulbs and the flowers are kind of pretty.they dont smell.
I burned my last one up in the heat last summer in the drought of 2011.
I didnt buy it just bec it was flowering but as they have bad spots on them from water. The 3 new growths that are well on their way to bloom maybe again got me
I had to try another one.. I tried to find one around town that had a tag to start with. Not. I know this plant comes from matsui orchids. They dont list the names either but the plant is there. An email is needed to get the name. Easy enough when at least you know where the plant came from.
thing about a noid is..since I joined the OS I realize how important it is to know what you have. Doesnt keep me from buying one with no tag ,it just limits the possibility of showing the plant if it turns out to be a real beauty . It would break anyones heart to have a plant worthy of being more but his lineage ended when the tag got lost.