I have 3 Walmart mini's starting to spike. I find lots of info on how to get to this point but now I have two options. Which do you guys think is better for the spikes?
Option 1:
Where they are now...
In my unheated garage, on a north windowsill, supplemented with 2 -4ft t8 fluorescents right on top of them. Not the best lights but about 1500fc of constant light hitting the top leaves. Temperature stable at 58f day time and 53f night. Humidity70%
Option 2:
Move them into the greenhouse.
Heated 68-74f daytime, bit higher this time of year on a sunny day. 52-55f nighttime. No extra supplemented light, so max 500 fc on cloudy days, ( which in winter here is most of the time) to few hour of 3000fc on sunny days. Humidity 75- 80%
What do you think is better and faster for spike development? Is it just high night time temps that cause bud blast or with cym's is it day or night highs.