The reason your BBs are so shriveled is because the roots are all gone and could not bring nutrients to the newer bulbs. Any new growths will just be sucking the life out of the older BBs.
If this was my plant, I would take it out of the pot, trim
all the roots off and place it upright in a heavy duty, Zip Lok bag, buried about 1/3 the length of the large bulb in damp CHC or damp mix of your choice, and seal it up. Do not be afraid to cover the two small bulbs. Place in a warm, bright location in the house and leave it alone until you get a growth up to the top of the bag. (
If you see a "shrink wrapping" effect on the bag, open and then close again.) You should have roots on the new growth by spring and warm weather so pot out in a small pot, using the same mix. This is a classic case of "Save my BB".
Cym Ladye